Piper PA-18 Super Cub VH-LHB
Walkaround Photos

I saw this Super Cub at Avalon in 2007, the owners enjoying the show in style!

I don't know much about Cubs and Super Cubs. I know they were made by rivals Taylor and Piper after the two parted company. In that sense, you could say the Super Cub is a derivative of the original Taylor Cub.

You can see the differences between them if you compare these pics with the Taylor Cub walkaround elsewhere on the site.

Super Cub VH-LHB pic 1Super Cub VH-LHB pic 2Super Cub VH-LHB pic 3
Super Cub VH-LHB pic 4Super Cub VH-LHB 5Super Cub VH-LHB pic 6
Super Cub VH-LHB pic 7Super Cub VH-LHB pic 8Super Cub VH-LHB pic 9
Super Cub VH-LHB pic 10Super Cub VH-LHB pic 11Super Cub VH-LHB pic 12
Super Cub VH-LHB pic 13Super Cub VH-LHB pic 14Super Cub VH-LHB pic 15
Super Cub VH-LHB pic 16Super Cub VH-LHB pic 17Super Cub VH-LHB pic 18
Super Cub VH-LHB pic 19Super Cub VH-LHB pic 20

  • The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Aircraft in Australia and New Zealand. David Eyre. Sunshine Books. isbn: 0 86777 272 7

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