1:32 Decals

The Chopper

Back in the 1980s Australia boasted a world class Sea Air Rescue and safety organisation in the National Safety Council of Australia. With a large fleet of fixed and rotary wing aircraft, boats, trucks and even a ship, the NSCA was very prominently in the public eye. VH-NSL appears to be one of two BO 105CBS4s the NSCA operated. The BO 105 has been one of the most succesful helicopter designs of all time.

The Decals

These decals are designed for a (modified) Revell 1:32 BO 105 kit, of which there have been numerous releases and which is readily available.

The Model

Bear in mind, the NSCA bird is the BO 105CBS4 version, with a lengthened fuselage, so to be strictly accurate you will need to add 7.8mm to the Revell kit to get the correct length. The single distinguishing feature is the small “third” side window. Apart from this, rotor balance weights will need to be added, the interior modified for the new fuselage length, side steps and flotation gear, external hoist and a couple of other details added. I am in the process of planning this build myself and I will add it to the modelling section of this site as I go.


These decal sheets are all available through my webshop.

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